Did you know that?

Coffee is a ritual for many of us. We take it every day several times and the day we do not do it is not the same. That's why you have to be careful with excessive use or in situations that do not require it.

A clear example is that of pregnant women. By all it is known that during the gestation period the woman has to take many responsibilities regarding her emparazo, to guarantee the health of her baby. In this case, coffee can harm the health of the fetus. A study published in the British Medical Journal, in which a risk linked to caffeine consumption during pregnancy has been detected.
Resultado de imagen de cafe en embarazadas

This is the increase in weight during childhood. In fact, the authors manage to plan the complete cessation of caffeine consumption during pregnancy.
According to this new work, carried out by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, even an average consumption of caffeine considered acceptable would increase the probability that unborn children will end up being overweight at only three years, a risk that would increase dangerously during the childhood thing.
Resultado de imagen de caffeine in a coffee

Currently, experts recommend consuming caffeine moderately, without exceeding 200 mg per day (two cups of coffee).


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